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Thursday, May 15, 2008


History 11

Zach Campbell

The first Americans were believed to be of Mongolian stock
First migrations were believed to occur 14-16 thousand years ago
Estimated that 75 million people lived in the Americas before the Europeans came over
· 10 million in the USA

· The civilizations were quite advanced in the south, without help from European or Asian technologies. They had health care systems, and were very advanced in the agriculture regime

· The Aztecs were the largest and most sophisticated tribe

· North America; hunting was a prime source of food for many people. Life was established on rivers where fishing could take place, some relied on agriculture.

· There were several benefits of living in eastern North America; it had all the sources of food. Agriculture, hunting, fishing…

· In the east agriculture was exploited by being mobile, exploiting a lot of land.

· Religion was a part of the Indian tribes through nature.

· The Europeans weren’t aware of the America’s until the 15th century and exploration was discouraged.

· The black death was a bubonic plague, it wiped out 1/3 of Europe’s population

· Interest in trade triggered the discovery of the “new world”

§ Wanted to find a faster trading route to east Asia

· The Spanish were the first to encounter the “new world”

· Columbus commanded 90 men and 3 ships (Nina, Santa Maria, pinta) he left in august 1492

· The first journey he only got as far as Cuba, he thought he was in India

· His third voyage was when he reached mainland

· Never reached the pacific

· Due to Columbus’s ambitions, Spain devoted more money and time into perusing the “new world”

· Ferdinand Magellan was the first to gaze upon the pacific (Europeans)

· By 1550 the Spanish had explored most of the new world from Oregon to Labrador

· They wanted to imperialize because they wanted to exploit resources.

· There were a lot of Spanish outpost set up around North America, the Spanish tried to assimilate and get along with their fellow land dwellers, the Indians

· Some Indians rebelled to the spread of Catholicism

· There was a lot of inter-marriage between the Indians and the Spanish men

· Many Indians died from diseases brought from Europe

· Sometimes the Europeans spread their diseases purposely

· Europeans introduced new agriculture, livestock, and the horse, which proved to be very significant to the Indians.

· Many natives learned either Portuguese or Spanish

· Systems were often gauged by the native workforce, eventually more workers were needed, the slave trade began

· As early as 1502

· Most slaves came from Guinea

· There society was seen as uncivilized

· Actually they were quite civilized and originate from commerce and Islamic beliefs

· Southern Africa was mostly small village, they developed trade within themselves

· Political affairs were divided into genders, male and female voted for their own genders

· African economies exploited their climate and resources

· Slavery started in Europe and migrated to the new world

· Sugar was in high demand in Europe and workers were needed, slaves were called on

· England first contacted the new world in 1497, John Cabot sailed to NE north America, and made a serious effort to establish a colony

· Roanoke was England’s first settlement, it was a failure

· Trends often changed and farm workers adapted to meet the demand, this often cut people from there jobs

· Food supply in England was decreasing as population was increasing

· Mercantilism is that you profit if you export more than you import

· The result of the spread of this belief was imperialism

· England separated from the Catholic Church when the pope refused to divorce king Henry VIII and his wife, he started his own church, the Church of England, and it had been reformed. People still thought it was corrupt, they wanted to purify the church, these people were known as puritans

· This broke ties between the English and Spanish

· The puritans were seen as a small and irritating problem, King James invoked higher taxation on puritans, this diluted the problem

· Quebec was France’s first settlement

· The French developed close ties with the natives except the Iroquois.

· Formed trading partnerships with the Indians

· The first Dutch settlers set up new Amsterdam also now known as new York

· English settlement was controversial since the Spanish were also their

· In 1588 king Phillip II of Spain sends the Spanish armada to attack EnglandàEngland ended up winning

· England becomes the new naval power, and the rapid growth in their presence in the new world became evident

· Jamestown, was the first real successful attempt at an English settlement

· Treaty of tordisilla divided land up between the Spanish and the Portuguese by the pope (they had to spread the word of Catholicism)

· Predestination was created by john Calvin (your life had been pre-determined by god)

· Encomiendaàgrant to Spanish settler of authority over Indians for the purpose of tribute collection, labor extraction>

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